Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Few Projects from the Weekend

Amidst all of the soccer games, dance rehearsals, egg hunts and Church, I did get a few projects done this weekend. First, the special order cabinets for the laundry room finally came in, so we picked them up and installed them - I LOVE THEM! They are exactly what I wanted. We recently redid the laundry room. You have to walk through it from the garage into the kitchen and it was awful. We considered re-configuring it completely, but felt that would be too much given the placement of the water-heater in the garage and the plumbing and electrical work that would have to be done. So, we laid down a new floor, painted the walls and installed cabinets for storage. The wall cabinets are just stock cabinets and we special ordered 2 floor to ceiling cabinets so that each child could have their own to store their backpacks and school items. We put a hook in each one and they work perfectly. No longer are the backpacks hanging on my kitchen chairs all the time!! We put the knobs on all of the cabinets. The only thing left is a little touch up paint on the walls and the finishing decorating touches. I'll post pictures once it's all complete.

Last weekend at the flea market, I was on a mission to find bird figurines. I've seen several bloggers using them in their decorating and I thought they were cute. I was extremely excited to find 2 birds for $4! One of them is glass and the other ceramic. The ceramic one was a little beat up and I meant to take a picture of it before. A few coats of white enamel spray paint, and it looks so cute!

Finally, next week is going to be busy and stressful at work with lots of long hours (much like last week) since it's our fiscal year end, which is a busy time in the finance department. Each year, we all bring in goodies - both healthy and junk - to help us get through. I made chocolate covered pretzels for this week - looking forward to sharing them with co-workers tomorrow!

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