Thursday, February 26, 2009

President Project

The Princess has been working on a President Project for school. Each child was assigned a president to research and present to the class with visuals (in the 1st grade!! I don't remember doing stuff like that until I was much older!!). The Princess was assigned Dwight Eisenhower. She found some great facts on him - he was the 34th president and he was a 5 star general in the Army. He also liked to eat TV dinners in the White House. My grandfather served in the Army and was in the service during WWII. Mom has his uniforms, so she and dad were able to find the jacket and the medals and put the jacket and a hat together so the Princess could dress up as Dwight Eisenhower. She is also going to take in a TV dinner box. I think she looks really cute in the jacket and hat!!

1 comment:

  1. The costume is adorable, but really. . .she would look really cute wearing a paper bag!
